Soon enough thousands of us will go to school one last time to collect the results we have worked hard to earn over more than 10 years.
To be blunt, not all of us are going to be happy with the letters we see on the paper, and we may not be headed to our first choice university. Here are some useful tips on how to prepare as results day approaches:
1. Log on to UCAS TRACK before collecting results
You will be able to collect your results as soon as UCAS Track opens. For the nervous students who may want to avoid opening their results in public, it’s a great way to see if you’ve secured your place. It might help you feel more comfortable opening them in public if you already know what you’ve got.
2. Don’t feel pressured to open your results in front of anyone
Despite it being results day, these are your results, and you should only be ready to open them when you feel like it. It can be a joyful or stressful day, so make sure you put yourself first and open them when you, and only you, feel ready to.
3. Be prepared for a flurry of camera flashes and notepads
The students with the most impressive results will be asked to get a picture and give an interview. If you are among the highest achievers, remember that speaking to the press is entirely up to you; you should be incredibly proud, but you shouldn’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to.
4. Not getting the results you’d hoped for doesn’t mean the end
Most people don’t actually meet the conditions of their offer. It can feel incredibly crushing, but in most cases like this, you’ll still be given a place at your preferred University, as long as the results aren’t too far off the mark! on top of that, remember that re-marking is always available. If you do massively miss out and are unable to secure a place at any of your choices, clearing is available, but never forget alternatives such as gap years and apprenticeships!
5. Don’t compare yourself to your friends
Your friend could be hoping to study medicine while you do something completely different. For example, her conditions could be AAA while yours are BBB; don’t compare your grades or feel worse about yours if they do better. It’s important to be proud of what you get and to remain positive. This is a day of celebration and you deserve to go to the best University and do a brilliant course.
The writer of this article is endowed with the gift of writing, it’s so lovely, inspiring and motivational.
Like I have learnt a whole lot from it; Conquering fear, believing in oneself and being optimistic.
Thats all true. But still when its coming to results we all shivers.. Great article and nice info.