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Articles > Life December, 12, 2021

Staying at uni for the holidays? Here’s 9 things to do to make you feel more at home!

Hia Alhashemi
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Finished your first semester and clueless on what to do over the holidays? With friends and housemates heading home, it can be a little lonely. Staying at uni over the holidays may seem boring, but here are 9 things you can do to keep you in that jovial joyful spirit this holiday!

1. Reach out to your Student Union ✨

The Student Union is open all year round and can help with literally anything you can think of. They may be doing a few festive activities or trips over the holidays. You might have an elf or two bringing round some merry goody bags and presents for students staying over so definitely worth checking out!

2.Go on an expedition!

It’s the holidays, and without the demands of lectures and seminars, why not explore your uni town/city more? There may be a new hiking spot waiting to be found, or new café that is about to become your favourite go to. Bonus is if they have a market or pretty festive lights around! Exploring your habitat can be a very eye-opening experience and make you realise how much of the world you have left to see, so why not take a step out the comfort zone and see for yourself! 🛣

3.Get work done/ complete assignments ✅

I know it seems like a no brainer, but future you will thank yourself if you get ahead with your revision and coursework. Drinking red bull, sleep deprived in a library is not where anyone wants to be starting the semester. Taking the time to do a bit of work every day without the immense stress of a looming deadline the next day can really make you feel that bit more accomplished! Plus, how satisfying would it be to tick off that you’ve completed one module?

4. Volunteer at a foodbank or care home

Foodbanks and care homes are always looking for volunteers, especially around this time of year. Helping people less fortunate over the holidays is a very rewarding experience. Beyond giving money to charity, you’re able to see the results of giving your time – you may make someone’s day! Would highly recommend having a look round or asking a local Church if they have any opportunities.

5.Work as a Xmas temp/ do work experience related to your course

This is kind of similar to the one above, but definitely keeps your mind away from the boredom of staying in your room! Why not get paid, meet people and do work experience in something that genuinely interests you, so you can leave uni with that extra bit of experience. Looks great on the CV too! With temporary Christmas jobs (usually in retail) they often have flexible hours and increased pay at this time of year too.

6. Start a passion project or learn a new hobby

Uni assignments can be a lot sometimes, and under the copious amounts of work, having that one thing that you enjoy on the side can make all the difference. Societies may be closed, but why not try practicing what you enjoy more? Start a passion project on the side, maybe a business idea you always wanted to do but were too scared too? Or that embroidery set your nan got you last Christmas that you wanted to try but haven’t yet? Now’s your chance! If you’re a keen writer, why not write an article for The OpinionPanel Community… 😏

7.Catch up with a friend

It’s easy to lose contact with people you are close to at uni, so why not try catching up over a coffee? (With that 10% unidays student discount off course, not sponsored!). You can always video call with those who are at home, but if you can, make plans to meet up with others in person.

8. Decorate!

Even if you’re at your accommodation or house/flat by yourself, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t decorate! Some lights or a mini Christmas tree (if you celebrate) will be sure to make you smile.

9. Re-energise for the next semester

If Covid and having weeks off of lectures has taught us anything this year, it’s to reflect and take time off for ourselves. This will mean different things for different people. The gym is empty, so why not take the time to get the treadmill room all to yourself, or maybe have a practice at yoga? Put on your favourite playlist and have a long relaxing bath. Most importantly, unwind and take the time to re-energise for next semester, because you deserve it!

Do let me know if you try any of these out – just leave a comment below! Remember there are thousands of students who won’t be going home for the holidays, so you are not alone <3

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