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Please reset your password

If you joined before October 2016, and this is the first time you have logged into this new website, we need you to undertake a password reset. Password are always stored in fully encrypted form.


We have recently invested in new digital systems including a new OpinionPanel Community website, new survey software and a new Reward Centre. In order to do this we have moved our central OpinionPanel Community database and as a result you now need to reset your password.

The changeover was completed in an entirely safe manner with data remaining securely encrypted throughout, guaranteeing the safety of your personal information every step of the way.

The safety of your personal data is our prime concern.  We therefore keep all passwords in encrypted form only. The only person who ever knows your password is you. Your account will remain safe and locked until you reset your password.

The OpinionPanel Community is part of YouthSight.  YouthSight is a full member of the Fair Data scheme –  a trust mark scheme recognizing organisations that are ethical and transparent in how they handle personal data). YouthSight are also UK Market Research Society Company Partners and fully compliant with the MRS Code of Conduct.


Should you have any further questions about this, please contact our support team at, and we will be glad to answer any queries. Meanwhile we hope you enjoy our new website, and we hope to see your responses to one of our surveys very soon!