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Not getting enough surveys? Here’s a checklist of quick changes you can make to boost your chances

Update your profile

If we don’t have your most up to date details, you may be missing out on surveys. If your current circumstance changes, please let us know as soon as possible. You can update your profile by logging into your profile, and on your dashboard, clicking on ‘Update my details’.

For example, if you have recently become a graduate from a UK university, you will need to update your profile and let us know. If you don’t you will not be invited to surveys which are designed specifically for graduate members.

Add us to your address book

Our invite could be going to your spam or junk folder. To avoid this happening, please add ‘’ to your address book or safe senders list. And don’t worry, we wont ever send you any unnecessary emails.

Sign up for exclusive surveys

Soon, you will have the opportunity to take part in short profiling surveys to help us get to know you better. This will allow us to invite you to specific kinds of research topics. All available profiling surveys (if available) will be present below. Only those who complete the tasks below will be invited to these exclusive surveys.

  • We currently have no profiling surveys. But watch this space – there will be one coming soon!