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Articles > Student Life September, 28, 2022

5 tips for those starting university, from a 3rd year student

Tamzin Kelsall
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I’m a 3rd year student – here are my tips for you freshers starting university! Leave a comment below for any other recommendations you have!

1. Enjoy your first year whilst you can!

The first year at university is an exciting time and when I say enjoy it whilst you can, I mean it! The first year is a stepping stone to your 2nd year so I’m not saying don’t work hard in your assignments or exams. Instead, get to grips with all aspects that the university can offer you. Make sure you take time to relax and do the activities you want to do because you’ll have a lot more spare time in your first year compared with your 2nd and 3rd or even 4th! Join societies, hang out with friends or become a student rep. Exploring these options all add to your personal growth and will overall make you enjoy your first year of university. 

2. Don’t worry about fitting in

Everyone’s biggest worry when starting university is that they won’t fit in or find friends to hang out with. Meeting new people is super easy when starting university because for once everyone on your course will be in the same position. In your course welcome week you’ll most likely have various opportunities to talk and get to know your classmates. One thing you all have in common is that you’re on the same course, making it easier to have something to talk about. Most people are super friendly and love meeting new people so be yourself and you’ll meet friends for life! 

3. Get yourself organised

Having fun during freshers week is brilliant until you realise that you’re not organised for your lectures or seminars. The one tip that I’d highly suggest if you don’t take notice of any of the others is to ensure that you organise yourself to prepare you for level 4 study. Get yourself some folders, plastic wallets and highlighters at least! You could be studying 3 or 4  modules each semester so these are a must to keep everything separate. Another organisation tip is to definitely get yourself a diary to write down when lectures/seminars are so you can plan in time to relax! 

4. Enjoy the freedom (but not too much)

The most exciting thing when moving to university is the freedom you get to be an adult and do whatever you like. Want to take a shower at 2am? Want to have a bacon sandwich at 4am? Want to go out all night without having parents worrying? Sure, go for it. Having freedom from parents is the most exciting element of going to university but make sure that you don’t have a hangover when you have a lecture or seminar in the morning. You’ll regret it! 

5. Know there’s support out there for you

If you’re not moving too far away from parents, it’s probably a comforting feeling knowing that they’re not too far if you get homesick or need them for support whatever the circumstances. However! Moving to a university completely out of family range can be difficult especially when you’re struggling with assignments, relationships or money issues. There’s plenty of support from the university out there that is free to take so take it if you need it! There is no shame in needing an extra hand as it can be difficult growing into an adult overnight. Speak to your academics, they’ll be able to point you in the right direction or speak to friends! Sometimes speaking with friends can take a weight of your shoulders make you feel 10x better. 

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  1. Paris Weber

    This information really helped me to get an overall bearing on university life as thinking about it sometimes leaves me overwhelmed but this information helped me really understand what could prevent that overwhelming feeling and knowing what to do in certain situations especially the last paragraph about moving away from family as this is something most people from university face and is crucial and really important information for people who are worrying about moving away from home.

  2. Rifa Fathima

    This article is very much informative for students who are just begining their university life .

  3. Kova

    I really appreciate you sharing this opinion with us…

  4. a smi

    I think its very helpful and wish I had done this in first year

  5. Jewel

    Very informative and encouraging to new students including overseas

  6. Simardeep

    I think…this is great for uni students

  7. Lila

    This is a really useful article for current sixth formers !!

  8. Olaoye Emmanuel

    i really appreciate for it relieve me and I think is a great way to encourage student

  9. Olaoye Emmanuel

    i really appreciate for it relieve me

  10. Emmanuel Udozorh

    With this information young people who do not have idea of what to do can do better when they enter the university

  11. Emmanuel Udozorh

    I think…with this information young people who do not have idea of what to do can do better when they enter the university

  12. Tali

    Very informative!

  13. VICTOR

    I think…this is a great way encouraging students to go overseas to study and be confident in a new environment.

    Thank You

  14. Abdul

    I think…it is much informative

  15. Case

    I think that this would be useful for any student if they’re already in or just starting up.

  16. Kareemah

    This article has made me feel less nervous about joining university in September. I want to be able to do well in my studies and get my career in place. A lot of people say that university is easier than A levels so I cannot wait to start my journey.

  17. Leah

    Agree with everything you said! I wish I had this when I first started. I am also a final-year student, and you’re right in saying the first year is a learning curve! Obviously try your best but don’t be too hard on yourself, it is just to get your head in the right mindset for your course, make the most of it!

  18. Annelies Boogaard

    This is a really great article and so helpful for starting uni.

  19. Adeshola Adekoya

    Wow this is really helpful, I least I have gone some insights

  20. Ahmad Bashir Musa

    I really appreciate these article!!!

  21. Max

    I think that is a good experience to try something new and is teaching you to be a better person

  22. Annalie

    I think… that this is something that is so nice to hear from a student and what the real life is like at university as I feel like sometimes we get caught up with been successful but forget to see the other things that university has to offer that time to be yourself in the world and it focuses on you and you achieving your dreams instead you got to do this and be this but for other to her you out.

  23. Ghulam Naseer

    Very informative!

  24. Lilia

    I think that the article is very informative about student life. It’s takes into account people’s life changes and give information for people to feel at home with all changes.

  25. Elle

    I think…I love this so much first time students need to be familiar with the environment the find themselves in and this guide is the best ever it will help them to learn and become matured in their own environment.

  26. Amy Jones

    these are all so helpful, knowing there’s support out there for anyone who needs it at university is such a big thing, it can be so difficult moving away from home, parents… but as long as you build a support system around you and have your circle everything will be ok!

  27. Cole gary

    The article is just a perfect one for the fresher because it has all information about what they need to know

  28. Mohamed Elakrut

    I think…the article is helpful for the students who are a bit hesitant about the first year of the university

  29. Amber

    I think this is really useful thanks

  30. Connor

    This article is great for future university students to get an idea of how to make the most of your time there from the beginning.

  31. Simrah

    I think this article is very informative for student ls beginning uni

  32. Shii@kenny

    I think…The article is quite informative especially for those first year students and those who are yet to enrol .It provide a detailed information concerning university life and how to handle it with ease ..It also helps students on decision making without falling into the traps of peer groups and peer pressure.

  33. Paris

    This is an amazing article thank you so much for making it I feel more relaxed with what to do and how to do it for when I go to uni this year. Especially the getting organised part as I didn’t think about getting folders and sections beforehand.

  34. Ella

    I think…this is so good and this is a masterpiece for every first year student to learn about the university system and to get acquainted with the environment.