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Articles > School March, 20, 2021

What burnout and online school have in common…

Akuzike Limbanga
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Picture this, you’re sitting at your desk, facing a screen from 8am to 3:30pm and then you have clubs straight after school and did you do that essay on the Taming of the Shrew? Or was it about coastal processes? Before you know it, you’re burnt out…

But what exactly is ‘burnout’?

According to Marriam-Webster dictionary, a burnout is when a person feels constant exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.

Sound familiar? If so then you’re probably feeling so unmotivated you don’t even know if you will barely survive the term without failing. Let’s get you out of this rut!

While most schools in the UK are back to in-person learning full time, there are still some who are doing part time online learning, as well as university students who are still not back in the lecture hall! So, read on for some tips…

1. Establish a sleeping schedule

If you’re like me, then you probably find yourself up at 12 or even 1am doing an assignment due the next day, or endlessly scrolling through Pinterest. This is actually self-destructive. The body needs time to rest and having a proper sleep schedule can help your mind rest so it is fresh the next day. This may mean sleeping at 10pm and waking up at 7am so your internal clock can start ticking smoothly.

2. Do the work assigned in class during class!

This may sound like an obvious thing but you have no idea how many students leave their work for after school or during a free period because they do not have a teacher breathing down their necks to finish it. This usually leads to work piling up and forcing you to stay at your desk and screen longer than you should have to. Doing it in class gives you more free time to go catch up on last night’s game or get into the next activity to do.

3. Stay in touch with friends and family

This is a bit tricky. You probably shouldn’t go out to visit someone because we are still in a pandemic. However, you could try calling them or even snapping them (do people still use Snapchat?) you could even bring back streaks as a way of checking in with them. The point is that talking to people you love may make you feel better and more motivated.

4. Go out or exercise

If you’re allowed to go out then for the love of God leave your room and smell the fresh air. Being stuck in the house all day, every day will have you feeling like a prisoner. The change of scenery may give you the serotonin you need to feel much more motivated with your work. If this is not an option, then exercising is also a good alternative. Thanks to evolution, every time you exercise your body releases serotonin which makes you feel good. This just might be the thing to brighten up the rest of the day. I suggest exercising in the morning to start your day feeling fresh.

This should help you if we return to online school, if you aren’t doing this part time already. If you have any more tips, please leave them in the comments below to help others!

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